Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 18-24: Going Hard...

I haven't been able to update a lot lately been really busy with work and life. I been drinking more it seems. I guess the honeymoon stage is over now. I was expecting that though. I been pounding close to a fifth a day. The important part is I am still taking my nal an hour before I drink as the sinclair method suggest. I guess I got a few months to go....

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 16-17: Got A Good Buzz But Still Not Drinking Like A Used Too

It's funny remembering going to bed while drinking with me but days 16-17 that is exactly what I did. On Wednesday I drank a few mixed coke and jack drinks but the funny thing happened. I looked up at the clock realized it was getting late and I decided to go to bed. A few weeks ago no matter how bad I would've wanted to go to bed I wouldn't be able to control my impulse to drink. Now it seems like I have more power to do that. Thursday I was working on the house and decided that I wanted some beer so I took my naltrexone and an hour later I started drinking. I drank all day but I controlled it more then I used to. So by 8 at night I had small buzz but I was still  in my right mind at 9 I decided I was very tired and ready for bed. So it seems this stuff is really working for me..

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day13-15: Two Alcohol Free Days!

Day 13 I drank a beer and a coke and southern comfort after I got home from a long day at work. After those two drinks I was ready for bed. Day 14 I busted by but all day long and thought I deserve a beer but by the time I got home I didn't feel like drinking at all. So I had one alcohol free day!! Then on day 15 I worked my ass off had a huge job I thought while I was at work I was going to want to tie one on but by the time I was driving home I had no desire to drink. So now I have two alcohol free days under my belt. It might be a combination of the naltrexone and vitamins I am taking I don't know but I find this pretty impressive not having a desire to drink. Who knows I might be in a honeymoon stage. I will keep  ya updated.
Vitamins used: I take all these first thing in morning. B Complex, Milk Thistle,Men's Daily Multi Vitamin,St Johns Wort,Gultamine

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 12: Another Night Of Just A Few Drinks

I went to a Beatles tribute band concerte with my business parter and girlfriend. The venue didn't serve alcohol which I thought was kinda of a drag but oh well I guess it did me well. By the time I got home it was 1030pm . I popped my nal and then a weird thing happened I laid down. But I started getting a little nancy so I got back up watched a documentary on Christianity for whatever reason and I had a few drinks. By 2am I was tired so I laid back down. The amazonment in all this is I remember what time I went to bed and I know I only had  a few drinks big steps for me...real big.

Day 11: Two Drinks and Thats All

So I got back home late in the evening around 930. I took my nal on the road around 830 so when I got in I sipped around on a vodka and cola. By the time it was ready to go to bed I remembered everything. Including the fact that it was 1 am and I've only drank 2 drinks! That is big improvement. I was stoked about that but I feel like shit right now I believe I am trying to catch a cold.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 10: Little Travel with Yeager

Had to travel out of town but I made sure I took my naltrexone and I got a bottle of yeager. It took me forever to find the local liqour store where I am at but I found it. I feel like I am more hungover then what I should be. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 9: Drank Most of The Day

I guess its where I didn't go into work but I drank most of the day. The good part is I didn't get tanked early on. I took my time. I paced myself which is unlike me so I guess that is improvment. I took two naltrexone just because I drank for so long. I didn't get two messed up but I am feeling it right now..

Day 8: Thought I Drank More Then I Did

I had a really good day. I woke up without a hangover. For the first time in a long time I wasn't obcessed with alcohol. I don't know what made me do it that evening but I got drunk I felt against my will. I drank less then what I thought I drank though which is good I guess..Oh well still sticking to the treatment. I drank probably about 5 shots of Jack and a beer..

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 7: drinking seems to be slowing down

Sunday was a pretty good day for me. My craving wasn't too bad today. I knew I couldn't drink this evening because I was attending a wrestlemania party at a non drinking friends house. I did know the party would be over round 11 so I took a naltrexone around 930. When I got home I drank a coke and southern comfort and a
Beer. I did smoke Marijuana though. I don't find it addicting and it helps control my drinking . Once I quit or get to the point I no longer crave alcohol I will probably quit it too.. I've only been smoking for about a month now .. The important part is improving quickly..

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 6: Went Pretty Well

It was my Saturday to work. I went in at 10am and closed at 9pm. I took my Naltrexone at 8 because I knew when I got home what I was going to do. I did feel less of an urge to drink today. I took my vitamins as usual. When I got home a poured a mix drink of Southern Comfort 100 proof and diet coke.  After downing the first cup I went out side and smoked a little weed. I been smoking pot to fight off getting so drunk. By this time it was around 11:30 I ate a little bit but I went to bed with the miss. That is big change for me. Usually I can't fight the urge to drink it overwhelms me and I stay up until whenever getting hammered. I didn't this night..Had a good night's rest and got up feeling the best I have in sometime...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 5: I Got DRUNK!

Last night was a haze I don't remember going to bed. I drank about a fifth and I feel disappointed and maybe the medicine is not working properly but The Sinclair Method says it works after four months so my patience is being tried but I am going to continue to stick with the program...wish me well.

Day 4: Drank Some But I didn't Get Sloshy

I bought me two fifths to better judge how much I am drinking usually I just buy a half gallon but I wanted to see where I was going with this. I only drank a half fifth of vodka and I acutally remember going to bed!! That is a change for me.I am getting really excited about the prospects of this working.....

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Three Days In and I got Drunk.....But on Less!

Three days in and I got drunk. I got up real early yesterday(5am) also I didn't get much rest due to not drinking that much the night before I so was very restless. I had a busy day at work by the time I got home it was 430 first thing I did was pop naltrexone and almost nooded off. But I got going round 530 and Thought I would drink some Vodka and Coca Cola....I got drunk quick ....went to bed around 9......To my suprise though only drank probably half a fifth.....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 2: Big drop in drinking

Well I been taking vitamins for a while now. Short time before Christmas I started taking Moder8 a supplement that is said to help you quit or moderate your drinking. After doing a little research it seems that Moder8 is more or less a B complex vitamin  so instead of paying big bucks for Moder8 I went ahead and just started taking B complex vitamin and men's daily vitamin along with St. John Wort for depression. So on a day 2 I took my vitamins as usual and at around 430 I took my naltrexone(I usually start drinking around 5-530).

I don't know if it has something to do with my vitamins and the naltrexone combined but my urge to drink really decreased. I drank like two beers and two cokes mixed with George Dickel's Whiskey. I didn't even finish the second glass. I actually went to bed with my girlfriend, that was a change for me. I did however go through slight withdrawals because my drinking was significantly decreased.  I tried to take a few drinks while I was in bed of my george and coke but I really didn't have the want to, to do it.

So from my usual fifth or more a day, I was down two two beers and a cup and a half of george and coke. Not bad for the second date, I hope its not a honeymoon period. I guess we will see soon...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Where do we begin with my Alcoholism

I guess before I tell you what the cure to alcoholism is and what I've been told the cure is I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Chris. I am a small business owner in a small town. My problem with alcohol began early on in my teen life and has chased up to now. I am now 34, I'd say I was a full blown alkie by the age of 24. That is when I took a night off of heavy drinking and I noticed I couldn't sleep and I was sweating. I didn't know it at the time, I thought it was the flu or something. Only later on after having several withdrawals did I look back and realize that was what was going on.

In 2007 I decided I wanted to change after several accidents and run ins with the law. I almost lost my job a few times too for coming in drunk, over sleeping and so forth. So I went to rehab! There I took a 30 day break from ol alcohol and I learned about AA/NA. I believed I stayed sober for couple of weeks afterword, the one guy who believed in me tried to get me to go to AA but I was hesitant. I didn't think a bunch of ol men could help me stay sober. Never the less, without guidance I quickly slipped back into alcoholism(I thought I could go to the bar and just have one).

Year later I realized I was calling rehabs/hospitals for help in the middle of the night. Once I woke up out in the yard with bottle in hand! My father frustrated finally got me in the car and forced me to go to an AA meeting. The men in there told me I was a fucking alcoholic and I couldn't drink normally!

Few days after that I was drinking some beer down the tracks and realized it was time for a change. I finally got admitted to a hospital for a few days to detox and when I got out I went straight to AA! I meet a great guy my first night there his name was Jim. Me and Jim had a lot of familiar stories, so I respected his insights into alcoholism.

So except for one minor slip, the next two years were filled with the big book, god,coffee, and a lot of the same stories over and over. I have to admit I found a lot of guidance from those men but they wanted me at every meeting every where. I felt like I was staying in the problem then staying away from it because my life still revolved around drinking even though I was sober. So after two years of sobriety I felt I was well enough to leave AA.

Around that time I also started changing my spiritual beliefs too. Reading became my new hobby. I started reading about different cultures and beliefs. It became apparent to me my belief in a god was dwindling. I found myself disbelieving the book I was raised to believe was the word from god(The Bible).

So for the next few years I found myself in the best physical shape I have ever been in and the best financially. The job that almost fired me a few years ago reluctantly gave me a raise to a director. My pay increased 4x. I also went on to college too, bought a home and car and all the rest of the good stuff. Sounds great doesn't it?

Also around this time I opened a new business with a business partner. My life is turing out great. I also met a beautiful woman who I now think is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Well long story short. My business expanded and I quit my day job. The money isn't like I was projecting it to be. I started getting frustrated with business partner around this time too ( we still work together though). One day at Walmart I decided I wanted to get some beer feeling I needed an escape. When I got home I chugged beer and I even said "hell with it I am drinking beer might as well drink yegar too!"

So after five + years of sobriety  I relapsed.  I have almost kept steady drinking everyday. I usually drink a fifth or more a day. Oh yeah my health quickly declined too! I have gained a 100lb!

Which brings me to where I am now. I have been alcoholic long enough to know it gets worse with each relapse and I know what track I am on. I don't want to go to rehab for them to take 30,000 dollars just to tell me to go to AA. I don't want to go to AA because I believe the answer is in science and not a spirtual defect. It doesn't make sense that my drinking is because I am spirtually screwed up, I don't even believe I have a spirit. So out of desperation I looked on Amazon one day for the alcoholism cure and behold the first book that came up was the "The Alcoholism Cure" by Roy Eskapa.

In "The Alcoholism Cure" Dr. Eskapa showed how taking a pill  called Naltrexone an hour before you drink could deaddict you and after four months you would be able to drink responsibly .  The Method is called "The Sinclair Method" named after the doctor who found the cure.

My goal in this blog is to try to do The Sinclair Method to see if it actually works. I started on April 1st,2013. This is my second day into the method and I will be updating regulary to show everyone if it truly works.