Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 105: Starting to See Major lmprovements

Well it's day 105 I'm on the road traveling  with some friends. The past week I've been drinking more beer than anything which is good. I've haven't downed a fifth in a while and I am remembering going to bed every night which is awesome with me . The medicine seems to be winning for now

Thursday, July 4, 2013

94 Days IN....Not Independent Yet But Getting There

Well July 4th makes 94 days for me...The Sinclair Method is supposed to be in full force by the 4th month and I gotta say I am not drinking that much right now..  Actually last Friday I took the night off the next night I got pretty loaded but after that I've not even got drunk maybe a buzz but I've cut my drinking in half since I've first started so that is a good thing. The other good thing is I didn't spend $30,000 on rehab to slow down and I didn't need to go to a meeting. So I didn't embarrass myself or my family. I know I am not cured yet though. The thought of drinking still consumes me but when I do drink it's not the same thoughts or feelings I had before I started drinking so I don't nearly drink as much. I can't wait to wake up and no longer think how I am gonna get a drink tonight. I am getting there slowly...Like they say Rome wasn't build in a night...